Almost every celebrity, from Beyonce to Lil Mama, wears added hair.
Long flowing locks are all the rage, and provide many with a great hairstyle option. But the down low is that most of those that wear added hair have an itchy scalp or hair breakage. Whether it is sewn in, glued in, or braided up, these added hairstyles could wreck your hair and scalp.
However, all is not lost…added hair is a great style option if it’s done safely…
Sew In
When your weave technician braids your hair before sewing in the added hair, make sure the braids are not too tight to the scalp. If your head is sore, and your eyes are pulled to a slant, this is a good indication that the braids are too tight! Braids that are done properly will help prevent damage to your hair and scalp.
Glue Ins
When bonded in, make sure the added hair is bonded to your hair, and not your scalp. Not only will gluing it to your scalp cause it to itch, when removed it will remove your actual hair too. So for the sake of your scalp, make sure the added hair is glued to the hair only!
One of the most popular styles ever, these are also the most deadly to your hair and scalp. Have you ever noticed that some celebrities, like Vivica Fox, seem to have a hairline that continues to move back, until their forehead is huge! That can be caused by damage from braids and other added hairstyles that can cause tension alopecia. Now you all know the symptoms of braids that are too tight… a tight sore head, it hurts to sleep on your head, small bumps that come up on your hair line, sometimes even braids will fall out because they hair they are tied to breaks off completely. To avoid such severe damage, its important to practice braid safety. Make sure that the braids are not too tight. If it hurts when the braid tech is pulling the hair together, tell her to loosen the braid. Your hairline is also an area that you want to take extra care with, if it hurts, its too tight. You know that baby hair on your hairline, its called vellus hair, and most braiders will braid this hair too. Instead, lay that hair down with moisturizer, or you can avoid eventually looking like you are going bald.