To God Be the Glory in Jesus

In the Media

Episode 13, Part I: Ask “The Hair Doctor” 7-27-11

In this episode of Ask “The Hair Doctor“, Lisa answers the following questions:

0:15 I’m just learning how important it is to keep your natural hair stretched to minimize tangles and knots. I’m not the best braider or twister; what other ways can I keep my hair stretched with having to pay someone to braid my hair weekly?

1:35 First let me start by saying thank you for sharing valuable information! 3 questions:  I have heard you mention jojoba oil, and mink oil, what are your thoughts on Lanolin as a possible sealant? My second question 2:30 is, can shampoo’s containing phosphates be considered clarifying shampoo? My last question 4:07, I like to use henna every 3 to 4 months, just to give my hair a little color and to make it stronger, I am always careful to rinse thoroughly and deep condition their after, because of the color deposits left by the Henna, should I be concerned with excessive dryness going forward or should I just pay attention to the delicate protein & moisture balance for my hair. I think I know the answer to this one. Your thoughts?

5:27 Hello! I am all natural but last summer I would blow-dry and flat iron my hair almost every day. Of course my hair broke off and was every damaged so I got it cut. Now I stopped using heat only about once a month, and I can feel that the right side of my hair is thinner than the left. How could I get the right side of my hair think and healthy again? And how do I gain and keep my length?

7:11 Hello Dr. Akbari and thank you for taking the time to educate us with your youtube series! I was wondering if you felt that there are any ingredients that are terrible and an absolute NO NO in hair products (maybe wax or certain cones or something like that). If so, what would they be?

10:20 Also, your product line is promoted as being for any ethnic background, any hair type and any hair texture. I didn’t think there was a product or product line that was “universal” and met the needs of every head of hair in a “one size fits all” way. I always thought that finding hair products was trial and error because not all products work for all people. Can you explain how your line claims to be the “one size fits all”?